Saturday, November 24, 2012

Cool Coordinate Graphing Activity and a Freebie

Guess What?  I Won!!!!!

I just checked my email and this is what I found:

Congratulations! You have won the Great Blessings Giveaway Number Three! You should be receiving great resources in your inbox soon! Thanks so much for taking part in the giveaway and I will be looking forward to receiving confirmation of this email. :)
Leah at Learning 4 Keeps put on a great Blessings Giveaway.  Now everytime I check my email it is like goodies are coming in from everywhere.

The second item for today is to introduce my newest additions
to my TpT store, one of which is a FREEBIE!
First of all, I created an activity to introduce
Coordinate Graphing to my fifth grade class.
Here are the specifics:


......and an example of 1 of the pages....


My fifth graders will love this and it covers the Common Core Standard 5.G.1.

I also created a Christmas Card Freebie that may be printed on cardstock with a treat or goodie (Little Debbie Christmas Tree) taped on the front.

Slide1-10 Slide1-10-1.jpg

Then finally, last but not least, I want to remind
everyone about the huge sale that will be taking place on Monday and Tuesday at TpT.....please see the graphic below.

Cyber Monday

Don't forget to write down the promo code.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Graphics Factory Subscription Give Away 8-)

 That's right my friends!  Emily is giving away a Graphics Factory Subscription!  Why... because teachers love clipart and what better way to say welcome and thank you?  So head over to her  blog for some great teaching tips and freebies and enter to win. :-)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Give Aways and Freebies, yes!

I have a couple of exciting topics that
I would like to share with you today.
The first, of which, is a Give Away by
Leah at Learning 4 Keeps.  She has
reached 200 followers and to help celebrate
she is giving us free stuff!!!
She has over 50 contributors donating
free items and they are great!.
Please enter and try and win as well as
pull traffic to your blog.
Secondly,  I want to remind
everyone that I am a contributor to

Classroom Freebies Too
If you would like some classroom freebies
with no strings attached, you should check
us out weekly or sometimes daily. 
Good Luck everyone and I hope you have a fantabulous Thanksgiving!
Blog On!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November Currently

Linking up with the November Currently this beautiful fall day......yes, it is that time again.  Can you believe how time is flying by.  I actually found myself double checking how much time I have until state assessments. 
 (always a monkey on our back, right?)

Moving on........


ok your turn...

 remember to do the rule of 3... comment on the one or two ahead of your link and then come back and comment on the one or two after yours... and be sure to make it meaningful!!!

Blog On Friends!


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Great Idea for Teacher Time

Small group time, or "Teacher Time"
is a great opportunity
for me to observe and evaluate how well the
students have learned and how well they
can perform the newly learned task.
I found a different way for the students to work with me, at my desk, without using paper or workbooks, yet they can still show me their Math "skills".
At the beginning of the year we provided our students with a white 3-ring binder in which they keep everything that they do and need for 5th grade.  It is sort of on the same lines as the BEE binder but with a much more Rad technique, of course.  :-)
Anyhow, I have the students bring their white binders and a dry erase marker to Teacher Time.  As you know, division requires practice, practice.......and dare I say....practice. 

PhotobucketSo, we practice together by writing on the BACK of the binders and yes, I even write on the back of mine.  They could not get enough of it and even the most rambunctious students stayed on task and worked hard.

I am aware that I could have used the small white boards in the same manner but for some reason the students preferred their own binders.  One student mentioned, "we can even do this at home". ...... Cha-Ching!!!! 

Have a great weekend fellow bloggers!


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Freebie Friday - Exponents

happy, happy, joy, joy ......happy, happy, joy, joy
This week we moved away (let's bow our heads for a moment of silence) from 2 digit divisors............

NOW we are beginning Exponents. 

I created this Friday Freebie activity to introduce and reinforce the lesson's basic vocabulary such as base, exponent, multiplication form and standard form.

I copied this mat for everyone in the
group, placed it in a page protector and gave them a set of number cubes:

Click on the picture to go check out
the answer sheet and to get yours free.

 Blog On!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Boo-ed and Loving It!

Guess What!?!

Loving this cute little ghostly/chevron graphic and the
fun new linky it represents.
First of all, I want to give a shout-out to
 Leah at Learning 4 Keeps
for Booing me.  Be sure to link back and check out her blog.  Please tell her that I sent you. :-)

To join in the fun click on the following link:

Here are the rules:

Here are a few of my "favorite" October things:


My new "favorite" clipart pack made by
Learning 4 Keeps Design
...did I mention it is a freebie?
The cutest pumpkins you will ever see!


My First TPT creation.....

My First Math freebie......

My Fall wreath for this it!!!!

I have "Boo-ed" the following bloggers:

Erin at Adventures in Third Grade
...check out her cool Monster Week

Kristen a iTeach 1:1
...awesome RIP overused words activity


Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Fall"ing for Division Board Game

Hello everyone, after searching and scouring the internet for a division game with little to no luck, I decided that I would try to put one together myself.  I wanted a game that included 2 digit divisors, middle to high complexity and that would line up with both 5th grade state assessments and
Common Core standards. 

This pack includes a printable center directions page, 2 page fun pumpkin game board, 22 word problem division cards and Teacher help page.
All you will need to add is a die or number spinner per group and  a paper and pencil per student.
Here is an example of one of the questions:

This game is a great way to make division fun and
interesting and I hope you will find it helpful.
Please stop by my Teachers Pay Teachers store and check
out my new Division freebie as well.

Also featured on Charity Preston's

Classroom Freebies Too
Have a GREAT week everyone, Blog On!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Open Butta'

If I have learned anything over the past 17 years of teaching, it has been how to conduct a stress free and worry free open house.  As we left the building, last Tuesday evening promptly at 7:00 p.m., my team mate commented on how smoothly the meeting turned out to be.
Open house, in upper elementary,  provides an opportunity to communicate the fifth grade policies and procedures to the parents. We want the parents to know and understand everything that is expected of their child.  No guessing and no wondering...

So, I purchased a pre-made power point from TPT, cue music, and tweeked it to cover everything from the weekly homework log to the grading and discipline procedures.  I also included pictures and explanations for every subject area including the standards and upcoming Common Core.  
I tried to anticipate the questions that are usually asked 50 times and answer them once. 
Did I mention that I LOVE my Smartboard and  may have to retire if anything ever happens to it?
Here it is..............sigh....

Anyhow, around the room I also had three main stations:  sign-in sheet, Fall Festival volunteer sheet and a calendar for parent/teacher conferences.

Side note, I set up a chart that showed our progress towards the $350 Scholastic order for the 7,000 bonus points......WHICH WE GOT BY THE WAY!!!!!! whoot....whoot (Thanks to Laura Candler for the how-to pack.)

Finally, when the evening was finished we as teachers felt that we had successfully presented our information and the parents left seemingly comfortable about the upcoming year. 

I have included a few pictures of my room. 
Believe me when I say it is a work in progress.  :-)

 My Library
 Math Bulletin Board - Rockin' Fifth Grade Math


 Daily Organization

My pinterest make&take of the summer.

My Student Computers

I so love my job! 

Have a great week everyone, Blog on!

Friday, September 28, 2012

I Am a Showcase Blogger :-)

I would like to invite everyone to follow me over at
I am featured as a Showcase Blogger today!

New Technology Loves – Positive Reinforcement

 Here is the link:

 Please leave Leah a comment letting her know you followed me over there.  lol

Blog on! 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

First Day of Fall - Getting Ready for Open House


In honor of the first day of fall, I have chosen to join the
Fall Blog Hop over at Teaching my 3.  

Teaching My 3

 Here in North Florida there is a slight hint of leaves beginning to change and I am thrilled.  I find myself saying, once again, that this is my FAVORITE time of the year.  Since I say that about all seasons, I have decided that I love life and the changes that it brings.  I am not one that would want it to be hot all the time or cold for that matter.  I enjoy the progression from season to season.  To commemorate the first day of Fall I hung my wreath (that I made) on my front door. 

Open House
Tuesday we will be having open house and I have scoured Pinterest and my favorite Teachers Pay Teachers contributors to see if there is something that my students could make to show their parents.  Considering this is last minute, of course, I needed something that would be simple yet meaningful to the students. 
I always like to promote good character and a positive self awareness so I wanted to share an art project that I found over at Runde's Room that does just that.  
 The title of the project is "I Am" and is a list of adjectives that describe the student.  The result looks like this:
Awesome right?
For specific instructions on this project you may click on the picture or click here.
Here is the one that Ms. Runde completed.....
I think we can paint or color them on Monday and write in the adjectives on Tuesday..........nothing like bringing it down to the wire, right?  Yeah, you know what I'm talking!
I will be posting pictures with our results.
Be sure and check out Ms. Runde's latest smART project as well, What's In a Name, another great idea for open house.

Fall is in the air! Cooler temperatures, changing leaves and pumpkins are right around the corner. Let's welcome in the new season with a fun hop around the blogs.
Thanks for joining in!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Constitution Day

Read about it:  Constitution Day (or Citizenship Day) is an American federal observance that recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens. It is observed on September 17, the day the U.S. Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution in 1787.
In preperation for Constitution Day I have gathered a few resources to help me better convey it's importance and significance.
 School House Rock!.png
First of all, I would like to know how many people, besides me, grew up watching cartoons that showed these videos in place of commercials.  The result?  I can quote the Preamble today because I heard it so many times,  I have to sing it, mind you.....
but I know it.
What do kids watch these days?  Nope, I am not going there.
Here is the video that I am talking about.

To follow-up with the same theme, I found the following
Preamble worksheet on Pinterest made by Rachelle and Natalie at

This will be a great tool to help guide the students into a deeper meaning of the Preamble.
What about an Art activity.................
Pinned Image
For the older students, it would be great to create a
classroom Bill of Rights as a reminder that ALL students have a right to learn.
Pinned Image
I just love the signatures at the bottom...............this lady, Amanda, makes some of the BEST anchor charts that I have ever seen.  Click on the picture to check it out.
Well I hope this gives you a few ideas for implementing Constitution Day in to your busy day on Monday.  It is so important that our students know everything that we can teach them about this great country. 
Blog On!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hey, if you can't be funny!

Learning 4 Keeps

  So, today I decided to link up with Leah at Learning 4 Keeps to make an attempt at being funny.  I surely must say that I am not deep.  Ummmmmm, Ok, I'll try a little harder.................

I found some of the funniest pictures on pinterest that I wanted to share with you.  Please see below and then link up to add your own "G" rated funny pix.....

Thanks Leah, I needed that.  Laughter works good like a medicine.
Have a Terrific Tuesday everyone!


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